A fire needs three things to make it happen. It needs a spark, oxygen and of course a fuel source to keep it going. The spark is your motivation.
Motivation is defined as “something that motivates” you to act or accomplish a task or even a goal. We all need an incentive to get us started and keep us going. So the real question is, how can we create motivation and spark our own fire?
A mentor of mine years ago used to say it was the Emotion Leads to Motion Principle. This is where you set your vision on something that fires you up. It could be anything that gets you excited about your goal. This feeling is the spark you need to start the fire for your journey. It is the opening speech your coach gives you before the big game!
After using this principle for myself as well as others, I found something very interesting. I discovered that during long term goals there was a huge need to wake up the fire inside. This is what I call the Motion Leads to Emotion Principle. It is when you stir the logs around in your fire to get it burning again. This works because the embers are already hot below and you just need a little extra fuel source or oxygen to make it strong again. A great example of this is the “half time” speech your coach gives you in the middle of the big game.
So, if you are “not feeling it” or lacking motivation to keep going; you can do one very important thing. Stir the fire. Stand up. Get moving. Jump around. Do some push ups, squats, burpees or whatever it takes to get the blood flowing. This will remove the fog from your vision. It will get you excited. It will reignite your motivation!!!
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