Chin Check

Photo by Ashutosh Sonwani from Pexels

Photo by Ashutosh Sonwani from Pexels

There is one thing for sure… we are being rewarded with an amazing opportunity right now.  This is something many of us needed whether we realized it or not.  It is the chance to hit the pause button on our lives.  This is our opportunity to inventory what is important to us and what is not.  This blessing is the reset button that many of us have been needing for a very long time.  

In the old days we used to call this type of moment a “Chin Check.”  This would normally be a punch to the chin to remind you to keep your hands up.  Basically a speeding ticket to remind you to slow down and take care of yourself.  In a time where “faster” just doesn’t seem fast enough… we can finally slow down, observe, and learn.  

We have learned so much in the last two weeks here at Martial Way Legacy.  We realized we had multiple online curriculums in place to help our students and friends that are even states apart.  This combined with our creativity helped us keep our students practicing even while “social distancing” at home.  We have even been able to take our partner drills to the next level by developing solo training opportunities.  

In and effort to keep our students on track we took all of our physical classes online through Facebook LIVE.  We have hosted each class like clockwork in an effort to keep us all on track and training like “normal.”  Now this week, we have evolved our understanding of technology and we’re moving to using Zoom which allows us to actually help our students LIVE while they do class from their homes.  This is truly the next level of Virtual Training.  At the same time, we are having our student body share things they are passionate about by having them teach specialty classes on Meditation and even Pilates.  Our students with multiple backgrounds are sharing elements even from beyond the arts we practice.  

As we work to take this further, we are continuing with our Friday Night Boot Camps and offering them for free!  We are offering additional fitness challenges as well as having instructors from our global organization add supplemental training videos.  Starting next week we will take this to a new level by sharing our lesson plans and links with supplemental videos so everyone can train at any time of their day.  This will create a huge reference guide for everyone and give them access to so much more.  The primary goal here is to offer as many options for us all to continue to grow and progress with our training.  

You are welcome to see what we are doing and even “try” classes with us from the comfort of your own home.  You can register for our four week NEW Virtual Training Intro Course for only $19.97.  This gives you four weeks to try both our online classes as well as physical classes once we can all meet again.  Click HERE if you want to participate with us.  

In the meantime, use this “Chin Check” to continue to find ways to challenge and make yourself better.  If you had discipline before, keep it.  If you were needing more, do it.  Don’t relax.  Push yourself now more than ever to do more and #FightTheGoodFight

If you aren’t already and would like to stay in touch, then Subscribe Today to receive news, updates, events, training ideas and motivation to help you crush your goals!!! ​


Guro Larry, Sonja, Lauren & Tori St. Clair

Martial Way Legacy

"A Compass to the Preservation of Bruce Lee’s Philosophy and Legacy"



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