Combating Home Mode

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Recently we were talking with around 10 of our STORM and Instructor Team about issues that we are all dealing with while trying to train at home.  Most of us deal with being distracted by chores, tasks, family, work and even laziness in our home environment.  

This happens because our environment often dictates which “Mode” we are in.  For instance when we go to work we are in what mode?  Work Mode.  That means when we go home we end up turning on “Home Mode” where we start doing chores, cooking or even just lounging around.

Normally I would give you the advise to go straight from work to your martial arts school or gym so that you could transition from Work Mode to Training Mode.  This would keep you safe and away from Home Mode longer.  Since many of us are exercising our Super Hero abilities and powers through staying at home, we run into a new issue.  We are already home.  So we need a new solution to keep us on track. 

What works for me is to think about my home in zones.  We all have these in our home whether we know it or not.  Most people do what in the kitchen?  They cook.  What do they do in the living room?  Typically watch TV or even read a book.  What do they do in their home office?  Work, pay bills, etc.  You see each area of our house is broken up into certain zones and each zone has a set of tasks that come with it. 

So if you don’t have a Training or Workout Zone then you need to create one!  Move things around in your garage, guest bedroom or even your living room.  Designate a very specific place for you to train.  You could include any equipment you will be using like your gloves, pads, weapons, etc.  By creating this new zone you will be setting yourself up for success.  You will be setting your focus on what you will do when you clock out from work.  You will be preparing yourself for what matters more than work.  Pushing hard to make yourself better!


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Guro Larry, Sonja, Lauren & Tori St. Clair

Martial Way Legacy

"A Compass to the Preservation of Bruce Lee’s Philosophy and Legacy"



The Power of a Uniform


The Mountain of Training At Home