Looking At Why


We all want to know the “Why” behind what we are supposed to be doing. Awareness of the “Why” gives us direction and can be very powerful in our movement forward. As an adult governing the state of ourselves, we can set the “Why” before starting any journey. This crucial step will eliminate the lag of contemplation later and ultimately speed up the arrival to our desired destination. Awareness of “Why” will also act like railroad tracks, keeping us in line and on target.

As a child, whether it was out of curiosity or defiance, we probably asked “Why?” more than we should have, but as adults, we tend to shy away and even run from this three-letter question. Steering clear of this question could be a trained response based on the classic parental answer of “because I said so” or because of fear for what it may bring to light.  

If we were lucky while growing up, we had someone special in our lives that enjoyed answering our “Why’s.”  When we pushed back on simple hygiene disciplines like brushing our teeth, they would take us to the side and show us two outcomes. One image would be of someone happily smiling with shiny, white teeth, and the other of someone suffering from tooth decay.  In comparing the two images, we would all be on board with brushing our teeth, right?  

Believe it or not, this is another form of discipline known as Preventative Discipline, which is a positive step up the ladder from Remedial Discipline’s “Or Else!”  Its approach helps us intellectually understand cause and effect through projecting potential outcomes based on which route we choose.  

Preventative Discipline brings us the power of knowledge and execution by assessing the “If-Then, What?” in each scenario. It steers us in the best direction and keeps us motivated by knowing what we should or shouldn’t do at any given moment.  All we have to do is put a little time into researching our options before moving forward. This extra time preparing for our journey will create a malleable plan of action to move forward and help us elevate our percentage towards winning in all that we do. 



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Guro Larry, Sonja, Lauren & Tori St. Clair

Martial Way Legacy

"A Compass to the Preservation of Bruce Lee’s Philosophy and Legacy"



The Count Down to MARS Southwest Camp 2021
