Battling Soreness


A few years back, while we were lounging around and enjoying our holiday watching movies, I was reminded of something.  It happened right as I went to unglue my butt from the comfy sofa. After multiple days of developing and producing our first online Specialty Certification Program, the Wooden Dummy, I was sore. Not from training or working out, but from just sitting on the couch relaxing, watching television, and uploading videos. Sure, sure, it was probably from sitting too long, but then it happened over and over that week. Pretty soon, I realized something. I was getting older.  

I remember when I could drive 13 or more hours straight to any destination without even a blink of an eye. Now that hurts not just after, but for a week or two later. It didn’t matter if it was extended car rides or prolonged tours of our couch; I realize now that my body does not like sitting still. This revelation or “ah-ha” moment has reminded me that we are built for motion, and we are meant to move.  

Soreness is a result of our body experiencing fatigue. If we sit too long,  stand too long, or train too hard, we get sore. I would rather be aware of what I am sore from and know that it was self-prescribed for the next level of my evolution.  

DISCLAIMER, getting into motion will not cure us of our pain and usually makes us far sorer as we first get started.  This equalizer is something everyone experiences, whether they have been inactive or haven’t done a specific range of motion in a while. After a few days or even weeks of existing in the discomfort of this pain, something magical will happen. The pain will become desire, which in turn creates a hunger. This cause and effect process takes our soreness and manifests itself like a fighter’s bruise. It becomes a badge of honor and reward that we see as; a result of our performance and achievements. It becomes a part of our daily diet, like drinking water to quench our thirst. It not only keeps us hydrated and alive but also acts as a warm cup of coffee to wake us up in the morning. Soreness stokes the fire and fuels us towards our goals. 

Bruce Lee, the founder of our Jeet Kune Do or JKD,  said, “The medicine for my suffering I had within me from the very beginning but I did not take it. My ailment came from within myself, but I did not observe it until this moment. Now I see I will never find the light unless, like a candle, I am my own fuel.”

If we are sitting down, we should stand up. If we are standing up, we need to start walking. If we are walking, we should start running. By making these small steps towards movement, our bodies will crave more, and we will begin to want bigger movement goals such as parking in the back of the parking lot and sprint to the front door, or balancing on one foot while tying our shoes.  

In feeding our DNA what it craves and wrapping our arms around the pain of soreness, we receive the gift of knowing, without a doubt, that we are alive! Life is worth living, and you know you are alive if you feel something. Soreness isn’t optional; it is inevitable. The time for change is upon us, which means it’s time to face our fear of pain and walk across the hot coals once again.

Happy New Year!!!



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Guro Larry, Sonja, Lauren & Tori St. Clair

Martial Way Legacy

"A Compass to the Preservation of Bruce Lee’s Philosophy and Legacy"



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