
Not long ago, I found myself waking up far later. A month or more had passed, and I was honestly struggling with finding my way back after the holidays and events in our lives. I couldn’t get myself back on track no matter what I tried to do. I looked at my diet, which had been terrible over the break. I consumed portions of food and alcohol that I would hardly ever partake. My “Gut Health” was off, which was affecting my sleep and energy. This spiral affected my focus and output in everything I was trying to accomplish. I needed to get back into some disciplined habits. So what did I do? First, I took a step back to see the big picture, which allowed me to look for small disciplines that I could grab and accomplish with relative ease. These would be my kindling to a fire or my dominos that I would stack up to create momentum in a disciplined direction. 

Every time I have tried to regain or create more discipline in my life, it has always started with something simple like shaving every day, making my bed, or drinking a glass of water as soon as I wake up. Once I have these goals in my crosshairs, I start plugging away, and then something happens. Within a few days, all the other disciplines of my past come back and align themselves. As they do, I gain control and can steer my ship through whatever storm of chaos life brings me. These small accomplishments build my confidence and allow me to adopt new disciplines and conquer more challenging goals that seem like only a dot in the distance.  

Taking on this perspective shifts us from searching for the “and all be all” discipline to developing disciplines that are small successes in a campaign to have control over ourselves. As we accept this newfound idea, we can evolve the concept of discipline, from a noun and accomplishment to a verb and a way of life. Pick your disciplines like dominos and lay them out across the floor. Knock them over and watch as they build momentum and carve you a new direction towards your success.  



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Guro Larry, Sonja, Lauren & Tori St. Clair

Martial Way Legacy

"A Compass to the Preservation of Bruce Lee’s Philosophy and Legacy"



Benefit Workshop for Salem Assli


Continuing To Shine