Inside the Mind of a Youth Black Belt


This past weekend we promoted two Tigers to their First Degree Youth Black Belts. We are proud to have Mr. Lou and Miss Mailyn as phenomenal leaders in our school. During the closing ceremony on the third day of their testing, we read from their Black Belt Essays. Their papers consist of five questions we like to ask our students through their progress towards their Black Belt. Here is what they had to say.  

What have I learned and enjoyed in my previous months & years of training in the Martial Arts?

During my previous year in Martial Arts, I have learned how to be a good partner, and to be a good student. I also learned that these skills apply everywhere, which I am trying to use. I have enjoyed a lot in the process, the biggest thing is having someone there who I can help learn or learn from.”   Miss Mailyn

Why do you want to earn your Black Belt?

The reason I want to earn my black belt is because I want to be able to help others and myself in case they don’t really know how to protect themselves. Protecting my little sister is one of the main reasons to wanting to continue to learn more and earn my black belt. I would like to one day be able to teach her how to protect herself in case I cannot.”  Mr. Lou

What have you learned during the process of earning your Black Belt?

Working with the kids, it may seem unfair, because I have the “advantage”. Though, with what I learned, when working with them I have to be in total control to keep us both safe. Of course, it has to be this way with all partners. With the adults I have learned to hit a little bit harder, with the kids I’ve learned to be patient and have more control when firing a punch or kick.“ Miss Mailyn

During the process of earning my black belt, I have learned that things are not as easy as it looks. Flip overs, which look really cool to do, took a long time for me to master and it’s still a little of a challenge for me. With a white belt, you need to learn 6 positions: ready, at ease, on guard, listening, attention and bow-but for a black belt, you need to do everything from white, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple and red belt. This stuff includes all footwork, strikes, positions, grappling drills, and forms. It has taken a lot of time, patience and dedication. As a black belt candidate I have learned that lower belts also look up to me to guide them to earning their belts too.”  Mr. Lou

What are your goals after you achieve your Black Belt?

I want to learn more strategies after I earn my black belt. It will help me protect myself even more and give me more options. I also want to get the stripes. Most would say the belt, but you have to pass those “little” tests to get the next belt. I also hope to help out more in classes when I can.”  Miss Mailyn

My goals after I earn my black belt are to continue to train and become stronger than before. I don’t think that earning your black belt means to stop. Once I earn it, I want to make sure to continue and maybe compete. I would also like to one day help Mr. Larry teaches the students in the Tigers Class. After my black belt, I would want to focus more on earning other belts and understand the importance of being able to defend my friends and family and learn the skills to become a better person overall.”  Mr. Lou

How are you planning to live like a Black Belt?

I want to set a better example for lower belts. I also want to take more responsibility. I mean in everything I do. To take charge, and be in control. Even better than I do now. This means a lot more choices that I have to make.”  Miss Mailyn

I will live as a black belt by helping others in need and offer training to others if they need help. I will still push myself and learn more so I can protect people. I know things will get harder as I try to earn my different belts. When I do earn those belts I hope to become a teacher like Mr. Larry and train others to become skilled like me.”  Mr. Lou

We are honored and privileged to have these youth with us, paving the way for the next generation. They are making ripples into waves in the world we live in, and it will be a better place because of them. Special thanks to the parents and families that supported Mr. Lou and Miss Mailyn through this transformational weekend. We want to also extend gratitude to the friends and students of the school who showed up across this busy weekend to partner up and help these Tigers through the peaks and valleys of their Black Belt Exam. Last but not least, thank you to Coach Vlad and Coach Brandyn, who not only helped prepare these two for this moment; but also tested them all weekend through every single technique, drill, and skill. Well done, Martial Way Legacy family, well done! 



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Guro Larry, Sonja, Lauren & Tori St. Clair

Martial Way Legacy

"A Compass to the Preservation of Bruce Lee’s Philosophy and Legacy"



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