Martial Way Legacy

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2024 Workshop Program

We have spent weeks surveying our student body, searching for topics and the direction of training they would like to experience in 2024. We’ve reviewed all of the surveys and created a series of training opportunities to help everyone drive towards achieving their goals. 

Based on the Martial Way student body, we are already in the process of updating the yearly Training Matrix for our Tigers Youth Martial Arts, Kickboxing MMA, and Advanced MMA Program with many of these suggestions. We’ve also narrowed down 12 additional topics we found you would enjoy the most in a workshop setting similar to last year’s format. 

The 2024 Workshop topics include: 

January 20th - Better Striking: Fakes and Feints 
February 17th - Flexible Weapons
March 16th - Self Defense Escapes From Holds
April 20th - Jun Fan and JKD Wooden Dummy
May 18th - Foundation to Fight Ready Pad Holding
June 15th - Long Range Staff and Spear
July 20th - Self-Defense Grappling Against A Knife
August 17th - Takedown Counters  
September 21st - Striking Speed And Power
October 19th - Stick And Knife
November 16th - Self Defense Escapes From The Ground 
December 21st - JKD Trapping

On one Saturday every month, we will host a base, one-hour workshop from 10am to 11am (CST) featuring the above twelve topics. These workshops will be available to everyone in person and virtually online for only $29 each.

Based on the numbers that these 12 topics had from our student body, there will be multiple workshops that everyone wants to attend, which has driven us to create our Workshop Program again. It will include all 12 workshops discounted plus a ton of additional bonuses. An hour-long workshop is a perfect introduction to any topic, so in order to dive deeper, we are giving away an extra hour of training with this program. That will allow Program members to attend two hours on each topic and take their training further. Schedules can be challenging at times, plus there will be a few workshops you might not be able to attend, which is why we will be recording, editing, and making all twelve workshops available online to Program members in our portal. Having this as a backup will enable you to review the material taught at any time and keep progressing toward your goals.  

All Martial Way students have two additional bonuses. You are welcome to invite a non-enrolled student to attend any of the 12 workshops for free, and students will also receive our newest Martial Way T-Shirt!  

It gets better because all profits from the 2024 Workshop Program will be for revamping our school entrance, updating old training equipment, and adding new training tools to help all our students get closer to their goals this year. 

Individually, the workshops are $29 each pre-registered making it $348 for all 12, but if you are one of the first 20 people to register for our 2024 Workshop Program by January 31st you will receive the above bonuses and a discount of $149! Enroll now and help us help you and many more of our students for only $199 while space is available.  

Register HERE!!!

We look forward to an amazing year and can’t wait to crush more goals with all of you. 



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If you aren’t already and would like to stay in touch, then Subscribe Today to receive news, updates, events, training ideas, and motivation to help you crush your goals!!! 

Guro Larry, Sonja, Lauren & Tori St. Clair
Martial Way Legacy
"A Compass to the Preservation of Bruce Lee’s Philosophy and Legacy"