Land Of Confusion


This song is one of my all time favorites. I used to think of it every time I finished driving in traffic. If you don't know it then definitely check out the classic video HERE.

The lyrics are from a few decades ago as we were working our way through many world issues. It appears with current times though the words sung here are extremely applicable.

Phil Collins sings...

"I must have dreamed a thousand dreams Been haunted by a million screams
But I can hear the marching feet
They're moving into the street"

This is the fear we all have. It could be fear of contracting the virus, giving it to others, being isolated, giving up our freedoms, or even having government at different levels tell you what to do in the case of our upcoming Lockdown. I get it. We all have things we have fought tooth and nail for. We have worked hard for our liberties, freedoms, property, and comforts.

The lyrics continue two verses later with,

"There's too many men, too many people Making too many problems
And there's not much love to go around
Can't you see this is the land of confusion?"

Personally, I feel that this is US. We are all so scared of the unknown. I mean come on, you probably didn't have it all figured out; but you had your own little slice of comfort laid out for sure. Now you are being pushed. Now you are being challenged by change. So, you of course get a little upset. You yell at your co-worker, friend, family member or even significant other.

Mr. Collins reminds us...

"This is the world we live in
And these are the hands we're given
Use them and let's start trying
To make it a place worth living in"

We are the answer! We have the solution. We are artist in this situation and now we have a blank piece of canvas. Like all creative minds, we must put the phone calls on hold. Slow down. Look to what you can change. What can you do that will make a difference in your world? What can you do to make a difference in everyone else's world?

Mr. Collins continues,

"I won't be coming home tonight
My generation will put it right
We're not just making promises
That we know we'll never keep"

Which he finishes a few versus later with,

"This is the world we live in
And these are the names we're given
Stand up and let's start showing
Just where our lives are going to"

It is time to get to work. This "down time" that you are experiencing is the time to not sleep in your cocoon and think that change will just happen. It is time to build and create the new you. This will be the you that will create change for everyone else. So let us all get up and go to work.


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