Where Are We Going?

Photo by Andrew Neel from Pexels

Photo by Andrew Neel from Pexels

My wife and I were experiencing everything this past week from a road trip we had “planned” across five states.  Honestly it was the best perspective during these times.  It was very up lifting to see how people outside our city and state were handling the current situation. Everyone was living.  Don’t get me wrong they were just like us.  Living cautiously; but still living.  We might be headed to some stranger and even darker times.  There is no doubt it will be challenging in many ways. 

Many people will feel a bit of a squeeze in their life as they know it.  This might happen on just a comfort level.  It could be normalcy, financial or even social.  Take a deep breath and accept that this is the time… this is the moment… this is the cure to what has ailed you.  It is a time to wash away your bitterness, extinguish the flames of doubt and forget about fear.  It is a time to work on YOU. 

Take this extra time to reflect.  Allow yourself to be thankful for what you have had.  Take inventory on what you really need.  Then prioritize your own personal growth.  Make yourself healthier.  Make yourself stronger.  Make yourself better.  


Press pause on everything you are doing.  

Get primal with three simple things that can make your better.

Read more.  Read what?  It doesn’t matter right now.  Just pick up a book and read it.  Disconnect from all of this for a little bit.  Allow yourself to learn again.  

Write more.  What should you write?  Doesn’t matter.  Start by journaling about your day.  Put your thoughts on paper.  Express yourself.  Write about what you read.  Instead of sharing a meme or quote, write it down.  Go old school and use a writing utensil and some paper.  

Train more.  So often you have the issue of not having enough time to workout.  Now you might have more time.  Now you can truly get after it.  You can do a workout every day.  You might even be able to do two workouts every day. 

Stay disciplined.  

Stay diligent.

Stay strong.


If you aren’t already and would like to stay in touch, then Subscribe Today to receive news, updates, events, training ideas and motivation to help you crush your goals!!! ​


Guro Larry, Sonja, Lauren & Tori St. Clair

Martial Way Legacy

"A Compass to the Preservation of Bruce Lee’s Philosophy and Legacy"http://www.martialwaylegacy.com



Land Of Confusion


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