Conquer Weakness

Photo by Scott Webb from Pexels

Photo by Scott Webb from Pexels

Nothing feels greater than when you conquer weakness.  Weakness is unique to each person and each situation.  We all have weaknesses and the first, most important step is to identify them.  Sometimes it is obvious and sometimes it is transparent like a ghost.  Either way it always leaves its mark on you physically, mentally, and even spiritually.  

You can find weakness footprints in your mental attitude, energy, waistline, skin, finances and more.  Sometimes you will locate these marks from recent events and other times you will need an archeological degree to dig deeper.  

Either way, your goal should be to find the source.  You are looking for the moment that you stood at the fork in the road.  This is when you had a choice.  This is the moment where you either chose to do more of something or less of something.  It might have been a casual “give in” or justification to an indulgence.  It could have also been a trigger that pushed you hard. Both of these easily create a domino effect that will send shock waves through your life.  Yes, having that one piece of cake could very well make a bigger impact on your goals than you think.  

If we start looking at each one of our choices as life and death, we might just find out more about ourselves.  We might actually find out that we are the weakness.  Guess what?  We are also the cure.  We are the lock and the key.  We have the ability to keep our potential locked away in a box forever.  We also have the opportunity to unlock the box and shine.  What if your potential is actually the brilliance and warmth of the sun that someone needs on a cold, wet, and dark day?  

So what habits have you created for yourself during your personal quarantine?  Are they better habits or worse habits than before the quarantine?  There is no time like the present to make changes.  As George Herbert said, “The shortest answer is doing.” Take action and unlock your potential because it is your time to shine.  


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Guro Larry, Sonja, Lauren & Tori St. Clair

Martial Way Legacy

"A Compass to the Preservation of Bruce Lee’s Philosophy and Legacy"



The First Legacy Workshop (REVIEW)

