The Sleeping Warrior

Photo by zoosnow from Pexels

Photo by zoosnow from Pexels

Some days we need a strong slap in the face to remind us of who we are and what we should be doing.  Who better to give you one than Miyamoto Musashi, the best swordsman of all time. 

“For whatever reason you have chosen to be a warrior, you must understand your responsibility to the art and to yourself.  They are one and the same.”

A warrior is defined as a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness.  When do you think that these powerful personality traits show up the most?  When we face challenges and we struggle.  

Believe it or not we all struggle everyday.   Some days we struggle with simple things like choosing what’s for dinner.  Then other days, we struggle to keep our daily demons away from the people we love the most.  Whether you are wrestling with what movie to cue up or what career change to take, “The struggle is real.”  We have to give credit to each and every personal grappling match we have endured because they have helped us find our true selves.  

“When life is victorious, there is birth, when it is thwarted, there is death.  A warrior is always engaged in a life and death struggle for peace.”  Ueshiba the founder of Aikido

Many of us are struggling right now to find inner peace.  We had our own little slice of paradise, and it feels like it was ripped out of our hands.  We are missing our freedoms.  We are missing our outlets.  We are missing our friends and we are missing our family.  We are social beings and we need face to face interaction.  We need the high fives, hand shakes and hugs.  The absence of this causes us to face a darkness inside each and every one of us.  That is when we must take time to breath and rely on more than the sword.  We must quiet our inner voices by looking into our hearts because a warrior’s heart is always soft and calm. 

This manifests through a warrior’s compassion.  It is grown every time they listen and understand the needs of others.  A warrior is the definition and perfect example of selflessness.  They are always willing and ready to help others in a time of need.  This creates the incentive behind their actions.  It is what helps them step up and show initiative when others pause or hesitate.  Apply this just as you start to feel confined.  The more your inner demons try to pray on you, contact family and friends and ask them how they are doing.  Put others first and you will find that your demons disappear.  

What does a warrior do when there is no one to defend?  Do they just rest?  Do they lay down and die?  The exact opposite.  They come to life more than ever before.  During times of peace, they turn inward and continue to fight hard each day to make themselves better.  If a warrior doesn’t concentrate on honing their skillset today, they won’t be able to defend others tomorrow.  These measures are what build a warrior’s indomitable spirit or strength of will. 

“It is better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.”  Chris Bird

We never know when we might face our next challenge.  We also won’t know the depth of it either.  So it is better that we are prepared and ready for when the it arrives.  

Warriors exist in our every day lives.  They are those displaying courage built from their heart and selflessness.  They show initiative in everything they do.  They don’t rest.  They keep fighting.  It is time that we wake up and realize we are all warriors.  

You might have forgotten; but there was a reason that you woke up this morning.  There was a reason you got out of bed.  That reason is to better yourself and your art.  You are here to better others and to better the world we live in.  Now sharpen your sword.  Step up and show your compassion for others.  Exude vigor and lead the way so others can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Be the warrior.  Be the light.  Fight the good fight. 


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Martial Way Legacy

"A Compass to the Preservation of Bruce Lee’s Philosophy and Legacy"



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