Martial Way Legacy Grounds Clean Up

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels

We are very excited to have this on our Summer of Fun Calendar!!!  Join us as we come together as a community for our community and pick up the grounds around our building, the church and the GAMA corner of our parking lot on Saturday, June 27th at 10am.  We will spend two hours making as much headway as we can before it gets too hot.  Bring your mask if you want, water, gloves, and a trash bag to get busy with us.  If you are need gloves or trash bags we will have extra.  

Afterwards we are planning a picnic / potluck outside at our clubhouse.  There is a play ground for the kids, some shade with trees and we might have access to the pool by then as well.  Bring a swimsuit and get ready to have some fun!!!

Let us know if you can make it out to join in the fun and help show our community the power of kindness, character, and team work!  

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Guro Larry, Sonja, Lauren & Tori St. Clair

Martial Way Legacy

"A Compass to the Preservation of Bruce Lee’s Philosophy and Legacy"



Our Mission


WORKOUT: Killer JKD Kicks - Lesson Plan Four