Phases Of Our Evolution


Here at Martial Way Legacy we practice various arts, including the one that Bruce Lee created.  It carries multiple names, such as Jun Fan Gung Fu, Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do, JFJKD, Jeet Kune Do, or simply JKD.  The opinions of what to call his art, much less which techniques and training methods to use are endless.  That being said, we must review Bruce Lee’s thoughts about the name of his art before we progress. 

“Jeet Kune Do: it's just a name; don't fuss over it. There's no such thing as a style if you understand the roots of combat.”

No matter which name we each prefer, Bruce Lee’s learning progression is timeless and like “the roots of combat” transcends far beyond styles of martial arts.  

There are steps or phases in evolution that something goes through to reach its purpose.  Butterflies and moths are a perfect example as they progress from egg to larva, then pupa, and finally to an adult during their life cycle or metamorphosis.  We experience the same transformation as we evolve and advance our understanding of everything from martial arts, workout structures, diet plans, or even personal and professional education.  In Bruce Lee’s art, we reach our highest potential through three phases of development. 



Sticking to the Nucleus” is best described as when we were a pre-teen child.  Our parents were “cool,” and we did everything with them.  Here is where we learn fundamental structures that create the foundation in which all of our future growth happens.  


Liberation from the Nucleus” is the teenage years where our mom and dad are no longer “cool.” It is when we locked ourselves in our room and blasted our music loud. During this phase, we start to develop our own opinions and separate ourselves from the family unit.  


Return to Original Freedom” is probably the toughest to understand and achieve. Imagine a straight line and a curved line. Which one is better? Some would say the straight line, while others would say the curve line; but, “Original Freedom” is where we pick neither. It is a point where we detach, become unbiased, or neutral. It is where we feel zero pressure to choose either line based on our previous experiences, circumstances, or surroundings.  

There is no way to fast track this progression. The pace at which we pass through these phases is unique for each individual. “Sticking to the Nucleus” and even “Liberation from the Nucleus” are very natural and organic, whereas “Returning to Original Freedom” requires a great deal more of our focus to achieve.  

We can learn through observing, listening, absorbing, and focusing on applying.  When we do this, we will enhance our ability to reach a higher level of thinking and achieve far more.  Our attitude will reach higher altitudes when we let go of the chains that bind us to any one thought process, style, or “way.

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Guro Larry, Sonja, Lauren & Tori St. Clair

Martial Way Legacy

"A Compass to the Preservation of Bruce Lee’s Philosophy and Legacy"



