It's Go Time

Photo by Samuel Silitonga from Pexels

Photo by Samuel Silitonga from Pexels

Nike's three-letter catchphrase, "Just Do It," offers powerful motivation to help you fight procrastination and conquer your inner doubts.  If you are looking for more inspiration, then watch Shia LaBeouf’s famous speech by clicking HERE

LaBeouf stands there and offers a calm demeanor for about three seconds before he brings out his battle-ax and starts swinging for the fences.

“Do it, just do it!”

There is nothing more powerful than action.  It creates momentum towards your goals, which will help you have less time to experience "Paralysis By Analysis."  Eliminating this potential chance of locking up means you will be on your way to achieving great things.

LaBeouf then reminds us of why we are getting into action.

“Don’t let your dreams be dreams.

Yesterday you said tomorrow. 

So just do it.

Make your dreams come true.  

Just do it.”

How many times have you said you would do something tomorrow?  We have all procrastinated on tasks that make us uncomfortable. It is in our DNA to avoid pain.  That barrier is the number one thing that keeps us from achieving anything we can imagine.  If we can remove this wall, we can make our dreams come true.  So how do we do it?  We don’t think; we merely take action.  We “Just do it.

LaBuouf continues with, 

“Some people dream of success, while you’re going to wake up and work hard at it.”

Did you know many of the most successful people get up between 330am and 530am? They hustle, and they grind before everyone wakes up. They go home, long after others disappear. They embrace the pain because they know the rewards of self-inflicted torture always outweigh the misery of regret. They accept this torment with both arms open as if they are going to hug a friend they haven’t seen in forever.  During this, you will experience the delicate balance of dancing and wrestling with yourself.  If you do this often enough; you will understand what Shia LeBeouf means when he says,

“Nothing is impossible.”

It's the motivation that catapults you into action, as well as the fuel to keep you going.  There is a likely chance that once you walk down this path long enough, you might run out of steam.  You might start to lose hope as the sun sets on your dream, and the darkness engulfs your mind.  Here, LaBeouf acts as a lighthouse and gives you a beacon of hope to keep the fire burning strong.  He reminds you that by design, you will want to quit, and more importantly; that this is part of the success blueprint.  

“You should get to the point where anyone else would quit and you’re not going to stop there.  NO!” 

Most people stop before they initiate the first step.  Others get started; but, quit long before they reach the point of exhaustion.  The Navy has near 40,000 recruits in a year.  At least half of them want to go forward and become a Navy Seal.  Ultimately, only about 6% "make the cut" and earn the coveted Trident.  They push through the pains and strains because their dream is far greater than the agony they are experiencing.  Just like a Seal, you must persevere your challenges if you want to achieve great things.  

LaBeouf knows that you are going to be analyzing his words.  He can sense your hesitation as you start to drown in contemplation.  So he raises his battle axe once again to help you remove the shackles of your mind. 

“What are you waiting for?! DO IT! JUST DO IT!

Just as you are wondering if you can really “Do It,” he roars a blaze of conviction at you.


Last but not least, he seals his message with all the stamina anyone should ever need.

“If you’re tired of starting over, stop giving up.”

How many times have you repeated this process?  Often enough, after one or two attempts, you won’t start again.  That creates pain that you will tuck away and bury deep out of sight.  It’s still there though sitting in the empty chair at your dinner table.  That sorrow won’t leave your side until you face it again.  How many more times are you going to start over after giving up?  It’s the worst feeling ever, and the only way to exterminate it is by finishing what you started.  

LaBeouf then flexes his chest, backs up, and stares as if he’s waiting for you to get into action and “Do It!”

When you stand at these types of crossroads, you are like a chess piece frozen in time; until someone moves you.  Why would you wait?  You should get up, take action, and move forward.

There is only one way to achieve your goals.  You must remove the one thing that stands in your way, your thoughts.  Turn off your brain and stomp on the gas pedal.  Get into action and achieve more.



Full transcript: 

“Do it, just do it! 

Don’t let your dreams be dreams. 

Yesterday you said tomorrow. So just do it! 

Make your dreams come true. Just do it. 

Some people dream of success, while you’re going to wake up and work hard at it. 

Nothing is impossible… 

You should get to the point where anyone else would quit and you’re not going to stop there. NO! 

What are you waiting for?! DO IT! JUST DO IT! 


If you’re tired of starting over, stop giving up.”

Shia LaBeouf



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